Category: Challenging behaviour
Working with children who call out
Low-level disruptive behaviours are common in many classrooms, and the impact on student learning cannot be under-estimated. The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) revealed about one quarter of Australian teachers’ classroom time was spent on classroom discipline and administrative tasks, rather than on teaching and learning.[1] Behaviours such as calling out, teasing, being
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Dyscalculia is a maths disability
Dyscalculia is a mathematics disability Do you teach students who struggle with the concept of number and calculating? Do they have poor ‘number sense’? Dyscalculia is a mathematics disability causing significant difficulties with: number (size or quantity) the relationship of numbers to one another a lack of sight recognition and feel for number problems with
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While many students will settle into school routines with ease, two psycho-social issues currently confront a number of Australian children in primary and junior secondary years – school refusal and separation anxiety. While adjustment to school can take time, the pandemic has also contributed to increased feelings of uncertainty, stress and anxiety for some children.
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New ebooklet available – Working with children who are depressed (and helping prevent depression)
Depression is a mental illness that negatively affects thinking, perceptions, emotions and behaviours. The impact of depression on a child is more severe than any other mental health disorder. [1] Lawrence D, Johnson S, Hafekost J, Boterhoven De Haan K, Sawyer M, Ainley J, Zubrick SR (2015) The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. Report …
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Technologies for students with dyslexia: Part 2 Writing
By Jemima Hutton Psych4Schools Guest Blogger Dear teachers, This is the second of two blogs, the first related to reading, and this one to writing. Both use scenarios to help you consider ways to implement digital technologies in your classroom. I have specifically written this way in the hope that you will act, not
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Technologies for students with dyslexia: Part 1 Reading
By Jemima Hutton Psych4Schools Guest Blogger Dear teachers, At 19 years of age, I still act like a total child when it comes to writing something like this blog. I am simply overwhelmed and quite frankly, intimidated by the enormity of the task. The irony of a dyslexic writing about how other dyslexics can engage
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Psych4Schools consulting psychologist role
Would you like to work with Psych4Schools? Consult with us for up to 5 hours a week working from home or other suitable locations in your State or Territory. This role involves research, creation and development of publishable materials and assisting with social media. You will be registered by the Psychology Board of Australia and
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