Category: Behaviour management
School Refusal: Strategies and Resources for Schools
School refusal is a complex issue that affects a significant number of students and their families. It can be a challenging experience for everyone involved, from students and parents to teachers, principals, and psychologists. Understanding underlying causes of school refusal and various strategies that can be employed to address it are crucial for effectively supporting
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Q: ‘I have a child Todd in my class who whines and can get under the table when work is required of him. He calls out and lacks understanding of other children’s personal space. He speaks loudly close up to their faces. He also wants to be first when lining up. Todd is in Reception
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Working with children who are conduct disordered and violent
The most challenging behaviours encountered in schools are exhibited by violent, out of control, conduct disordered children. Conduct Disorder (CD) affects a small percentage of children and is typically diagnosed between 10 and 16 years of age. [1] Conduct disordered behaviour frequently creates crisis situations in schools. The following examples illustrate the seriousness of the problem
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By Psych4Schools Guest Blogger Astrid Gates with Murray Evely Emotional self-regulation is the ability to monitor and manage our own behaviour, calm ourselves when we’re distressed and pick ourselves up when we’re feeling low. Self-regulation skills are developmental in nature, just like learning to walk, talk and read. Since children make progress academically when they
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Greeting your students as they enter the classroom
Late last year a colleague of mine told me he had begun greeting each of his students as they entered the classroom before a lesson, after it was suggested at a PD he had attended. Almost immediately he noticed a shift in the behaviour of his students. Students who were regularly disruptive were less so,
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Teachers often ask me what to do when a student becomes agitated or angry. The question is usually asked about a student who is repeatedly angry, causing disruption in the classroom, and a lot of stress for the teacher. There are many issues and conditions that can lead to agitated or angry behaviour, from challenging
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Writing a behaviour management plan
The most effective whole school behaviour management plans are carefully thought out, based on all of the information available about the student and communicated well to other staff. Understandably schools need behaviour management plans to be written quickly. However, an afternoon spent gathering information about the child before writing the plan will help to build
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