Psych4Schools consulting psychologist role
December 5, 2018
Would you like to work with Psych4Schools?
Consult with us for up to 5 hours a week working from home or other suitable locations in your State or Territory.
This role involves research, creation and development of publishable materials and assisting with social media. You will be registered by the Psychology Board of Australia and have strong written communication skills including the ability to write for a range of audiences, including teachers, parents, and other allied health professionals.
This is initially a casual and short-term role which will be reviewed at the end of 6 months. The work times are flexible and can be spread across week days as agreed between both parties.
Please contact Connie Sands on connie@psych4schools.com.au for a position description or more information on the role.
Applications close of business on January 29th, 2019.