
For parents: Reduce your stress and worry



Designed for school staff to share with parents, this ebooklet provides five ways parents can learn to stay calm and manage their emotions. Since around two-thirds of Australian parents report feeling stressed often or all the time,[1]  Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2008) Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children Annual Report 2006-2007. … Continue reading and children of parents who have an anxiety disorder are more likely to be anxious [2] Ginsburg, G.S., Tein, JY., Teetsel, R., Riddle, M. (2014). Preventing onset of anxiety disorders in offspring of anxious parents: A randomised … Continue reading there is a real need for self-help of this kind.


The ebooklet includes recommendations for how to help:
  • Be aware of your feelings
  • Changing your thinking to change your mood
  • Learn how to calm yourself
  • Build your coping toolbox
  • Help your child with stress and worry