
Separation anxiety (revised)



This ebooklet provides a description of separation anxiety and a wide range of strategies that teachers and other school professionals can use to assist students in primary and junior secondary schools who experience separation anxiety to gain confidence and adjust to attending school. It also suggests strategies that parents can implement. As separation anxiety and associated fears can be experienced in adolescence and can interfere with school attendance, learning and wellbeing, strategies to prevent and reduce escalating separation anxiety are also described. Strategies can be easily adapted to include in student’s Individual Learning Plans and psychologist reports.

Support the child with separation anxiety

  • Develop a morning ritual/routine
  • Implement further strategies
  • A chart of activities for the child to build independence from parents
  • How parents can further support their child
  • Suggested ways that parents can further build independence and confidence.

Talk with the child and parent/carers about school camps

Prevent and reduce escalating separation anxiety

  • Build trust, belonging, calmness and fun
  • Reduce hesitance, avoidance, perfectionism and withdrawn behaviour
  • Build abilities to think, feel and act appropriately.